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Top LIferay usecases

As businesses continue to grapple with communication and collaboration issues, enterprise portals have emerged as the modern day solution to these challenges, with these characteristics:
1. Support any device, anywhere access to extranet, intranet with speed, relevance, and ease of deployment
2. Provide interactive powerful search and collaboration channels such as forums, chats and gamification with help of secure role based access
3. Overall deployment and maintenance should eliminate costly licensing overheads and provide attractive RoI
The different forms of enterprise portals include intranet, extranet, WCM/WEM, knowledge management, collaboration channels, and highly customized portals. They offer value to both internal users (oAuth, SSO and LDAP) and external stakeholders (device agnostic, cloud support and social signals).
Among the various options available today, Liferay is unarguably the most preferred choice of enterprise portal development platform for these reasons –
1. End to end enterprise Open Source platform
2. Agile and lightweight framework
3. Outcome oriented integration with existing systems
Let’s look at some of Liferay implementations –
1) Boost Employee Engagement
We developed an agile, lightweight system meant ‘for the people’. The Liferay portal solution provided Web CMS, document repository, microsites, and mobility, in a secure SSO based environment. It also added custom functionality such as scalability and performance monitoring, Sales and HR tools.
Benefits –
  • Simplified, single repository enhanced employee engagement, adoption, and motivation
  • Independent content update and management
  • 50-80% reduction in TCO as compared to licensed solutions
2) All-round Collaboration Portal
We built an integrated portal based on Liferay for major stakeholders with SSO based access and 360áµ’ collaboration. The portal contained all interactions such as alerts, emails, content, live chat, and surveys. It also had tech capabilities such as predictive Search, workflow and inventory management, CRM, and SAP.
Benefits –
  • Personalised portlets, feeds, and content to drive richer user experience
  • Provide a successful channel for idea exchange and collaboration
  • 50-80% reduction in TCO as compared to licensed solutions
3)Extranet Portal
The SSO based Liferay portal provided multi-geography support, had a parallel mobile site for product catalogues, and streamlined vendor management, enterprise BI, CRM, search engines, AWS, and social media. It also integrated Google Analytics and custom database for client’s brand promotion efforts.
Benefits –
  • Immense TCO savings because of Open Source architecture
  • Independent CMS management and content update capabilities
  • Parametric search, multiregional sites, and mobile sites for better personalization
4)Support Portal
The role based Liferay portal features a distinct self-solve knowledge management function, a service layer, analytics integration, CMS, product display and learning systems. This helps drive a highly personalized, interactive and user-friendly support portal.
Benefits –
  • Customized and immersive user experience
  • Self-service tools for quicker issue resolution
  • Support for unlimited customers and partners
5)Learning Management System
Adopting Open Source architecture with Liferay helped us to meet the client’s TCO reduction objectives. The portal features comprehensive collaboration tools among students and employees including calendar, alerts, document repository, search, Google apps, social media, forums and asset publisher.
Benefits –
  • Personalized content transformation window based on role based sign on
  • Single window knowledge and access channel for thousands of concurrent users
  • Scalability and interoperability feature added in
6)Research Portal
A multi geography research portal helps in company management, user management, instance management, and provides collaboration platform in form of activity feeds.
7)B2B/B2C e-Commerce Platform
The Liferay solution integrated a live chat, IDM, doc library and service plugins. It also integrated an end to end Magento based holistic e-commerce solution, along with ERP, invoicing, CRM, MIS and SKU.
Benefits –
  • Product catalog and sign out localised for better adoption
  • Better scalability and integration
  • Reduced order fulfilment time, on-demand chat support and surveys for better user experience
8)Knowledge Management System
We enabled a Liferay based knowledge management system with features like user entitlement, case submission, workflow, training portlet, multilingual feature, powerful search, collaboration channel, and mobile responsiveness.
9)Custom Portal - Sentiment and Trend Analysis
The Liferay DB was tied up to a MuleSB middle tier server and data management tier built on MongoDB to pick up key social signals. This architecture helped uncover valuable insights from unstructured social media.
Benefits –
  • Better ability to predict customer behaviour
  • Identify primary influencers and devise targeted solutions centred around them
  • Uncover opportunities and spot weaknesses
  • Get a simple to use, scalable and customizable platform
10) Vertical Portal (Financial Services)
With use of LDAP and legacy web apps, the Liferay solution handles all knowledge resources and admin dashboard for a highly responsive, performance-oriented financial portal.
Benefits –
  • Better ability to discover personalized, meaningful, and relevant content, features, and functionalities
  • Multi-faceted search
  • Express access to reports and dashboards
  • Anytime, any device access


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