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ACP Exam tips

       1.  Time: The 3 hours to answer 120 questions were sufficient. I finished answering all questions in 2 hours. There were 4-5 questions not framed well (poor English). I spend 1 hr to review all my answers again.

2. Agile Practices: There were multiple questions on SCRUM and XP, very few questions on Kanban and Lean, almost none on Crystal, FDD, and DSDM.

3. Roles: Completely Understand the Roles in SCRUM and XP, what are the responsibilities carried by those roles, various meetings, input and outcome of those meetings like review, retrospective etc,

4. Scenario Based Questions: There were multiple questions based on scenarios and how best will you apply agile practices under those scenarios. Mostly on Team,Scrum,Communication stuff.

5. Completely understand the when and what use of Scrum Artifacts and ceremony.

6. . Many questions on team Collaboration, Risk,Velocity.

7. Few Question on EVM,EV,PV (no calculation).

8. Multiple questions on Story Points, Burn-down Charts and Velocity calculations.

9. Overall PMI ACP certification exam is challenging and none of the online dumps perfect(4-5% question came from dumps).I would strongly recommend to read more and more and more and understand the core of it.I only used PMI-ACP Exam Prep book by Mike Griffiths and tried online dumps to gain more knowledge

Free APC exam dumps and notes


  1. I am very happy for my result in PMI Agile Certified Practitioner. All the thanks go to who have done such a great job by designing PMI-ACP Exam study material. I went through all the questions and got precision in all the concepts that may perhaps be tested in the final exam. I will suggest to all of you to use PMI Agile Certified Practitioner dumps for preparation of this certification.


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