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Differences Between Vue.JS vs React.JS

Vue V.s React.Js

Vue.js is an open source JavaScript User Interface library and progressive framework for building the UI web pages. It was developed by an individual developer named Evan You. It can be integrated with other UI libraries as well because of its simplified libraries. It was licensed under MIT license. It was initially released in the year 2014. It supports cross-platform. It was purely written in the JavaScript language. It was developed in such a way that it can be integrated with any kind of UI library and is adaptable.
React.js is a JavaScript User Interface library for building the UI web pages. It was developed by Facebook and being maintained by Facebook and a group of community-based developers. It was originally developed by a person named Jordan Walke. It was initially released in the year 2013. It supports cross-platform. It was purely written in the JavaScript language. It is used for the development of Single Page Web Applications and Mobile Apps.

Head To Head Comparison Between Vue.JS vs React.JS (Infographics)

Below is the Top 9 Comparisons Between Vue.JS vs React.JSVue.js vs React Infographics

Key Differences Between Vue.JS vs React.JS

Both Vue.JS vs React.JS are popular choices in the market; let us discuss some of the major Difference Between Vue.JS vs React.JS:
  1. Vue.JS is an MVC framework whereas React.js is a JavaScript library for building web apps.
  2. Vue.JS has less number of contributors on Github whereas React.js has a number of contributors on Github.
  3. Vue.JSs is smaller, faster, flexible and lightweight whereas React.js is also lightweight and flexible but not smaller compared to Vue.
  4. Vue.JS has flexible and customized templates which will ease the process of development whereas React.js has component based and which is not having a template feature to customize any kind of functionality.
  5. Vue.JS is easier for smaller applications development whereas React.js is helpful in developing large and complex web applications development and supports different third-party libraries and packages externally.
  6. Vue.JS is not well suited for mobile apps development whereas React.js has good documentation and is well suited for mobile apps development through its associated React Native library.
  7. Vue.JS is mainly based on MVVM pattern and sometimes people say MVC, but in any case it supports multiple layers of development whereas React.js supports and concentrates only on view layer of web application development and has the main benefit of server-side rendering by rendering pages on server using virtual DOM concept and provides efficient testing frameworks and reliability.
  8. Vue.JS has the main benefit of working with Forms in HTML content and its collateral binding is an important feature whereas React.js has a lot of complications in using the event model system.
  9. Vue.JS provides greater and much performance compared to other platforms and provides the best speed performing applications whereas React.js works on the principle of one-directional data flow which makes the code stable.
  10. Vue.JS has few disadvantages like Runtime errors in templates which causes hard to debug and handle the errors and thus reduces the high availability of the application whereas React.js has the feature of boosting productivity and long-term maintenance support with high quality and productivity.
  11. Vue.JS library has poor infrastructure library which is still under developing stage which it needs further improvement to provide a better component system in coding whereas React.js has greater infrastructure library support and better module bundler packages available that produces better quality applications.
  12. Vue.JS can be used directly if it knew well before that the simplicity is the main concern then Vue can be simply and directly used where as React.js can simply be selected for large and complex applications.

Comparison Table Vue.JS vs React.JS

As you can see there are many Comparison between Vue.JS vs React.JS Let’s look at the top Comparison between Vue.JS vs React.JS below –
The basis of comparison between Vue.JS vs React.JSVue.jsReact.js
LicenseIt was licensed under MIT licenseIt was also licensed under MIT.
DevelopmentIt was developed by an individual author named Evan YouIt was developed by Facebook and a group of individual community developers.
ComponentIt uses Templates to build different componentsIt uses JSX as a component format
ArchitectureIt features an adaptable architecture for various complex features.It supports different state management library for complex features.
Open SourceIt is free and Open SourceIt is free and also open source
FeaturesIt is used to develop progressive web applications.It is used to develop single page applications and mobile apps.
ReleasedIt was released in the year 2014It was released in the year 2013
CommunityIt is was individually developed by an authorIt is community driven and Facebook developed a library.
CSSIt supports CSS in JS by writing CSS code inside JSIt supports CSS by include script file in JS file or by importing in component

Conclusion – Vue.JS vs React.JS

Vue.JS vs React.JS both work on the concept of the Virtual DOM model. For smaller applications, Vue,.js has shorter syntax and build configuration compared to React.js and in Vue.js action is required as a mandatory field in its HTML content whereas it is not in the case of React. Vue.js written apps can easily and directly be run on a browser without any transpilation whereas React.js apps need transpilation to support different versions of ECMAScript. React.js offers both web and mobile applications support where React Native is the mobile applications development library without any learning curve if worked on React.
The disadvantage of Vue.js is that it cannot track the change or editing of data in the fields and deletion of the data which is a drawback compared to React. The processes in Vue.js will work faster as the size of the library is less which requires less time to load and in turn increases the speed and performance. In the case of larger and complex apps, React.js will perform well as it supports different state management libraries to address the solutions for highly complex applications and ultra-rich web applications.


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